
  • Lubricant

    Lubricant for use on installation of splices, terminations and
    screened connectors.

  • Crimping tool

    B500ND. Electric, hydraulic compression tool.

  • Compression tool

    B500. Electric hydraulic tool for up to 300mm2.

  • Crimping tool

    B1300-UC. Batteryhydraulic crimping tool, 25-300 (400)mm2.

  • Crimping tool

    B 1300L-C.  Cordless hydraulic crimping tool, 25-300 (400) mm2.

  • Crimping tool

    B1350-UC. Battery operated, hydraulic crimping tool, 10-300 (400)mm2.

  • Crimping tool

    B1350L-C. Cordless hydraulic crimping tool, 25-300 (400) mm2.

  • Crimping head

    RHU131-C. Hydraulic crimping head, up to 300(400) mm2 Cu and Al.

  • Crimping head

    ECW-H3D. Hydraulic crimping head, up to 630 mm2 Cu.

  • Crimping head

    RHU520. Hydraulic crimping head, up to 1200mm2.

  • Battery pump

    B70M-P36-CH. Portable electro-hydraulic pump.

  • Hydraulic tool

    B1300TEP. Portable battery tool.

  • Crimping tool

    HT51. Hand operated hydraulic tool, 50kN, Cu 10-240mm2.

  • Battery pump

    B85M-P36. Portable electro-hydraulic pump.

  • Crimping tool

    HT131-UC and HT131LN-C. Hand operated hydraulic tool, 130kN. Cu 25-300mm2.

  • Crimping tools

    HN1, HN5, HN-D25 and HN-A25. Mechanical crimping tools.

  • Mechanical crimping tool

    TND 6-70. Mechanical crimping tool.

  • Crimping tool

    TN70SE & TN120SE. Mechanical crimping tool, for Cu-lugs and ferrules.

  • Overview, C-press material/dies

    Table with types of dies/material used for splicing of main conductor and branches in given sizes.

  • Spring rolls

    Spring rolls in stainless steel, for connection between the cable elements.

  • Crimping dies

    Selection table for crimping dies, 5-6 and 13 ton, Cu. cond.

  • Crimping dies, med. – and low voltage

    Selction and table for dies, Al-conductors.

  • Crimping dies

    Material and crimping dies for medium voltage cables, Cu-conductors.

  • Prerounder dies

    5 and 13 ton tools. Selection table for Cu-dies.

  • Crimp-set, HN1

    Crimp-set case for Offshore with HN1  and ferrules, 1.5-10mm2.

  • Crimp-set case HNA-25

    Crimp-set case for Innstallers with HNA-25  and ferrules, 10-25mm2.